Pretty spring flowers and birdies

April 24th, 2008

Ok, it seems that the only really messy crafter out there is me, or is it just that I am the only one holding my hands up and admitting it? Hmmm, I have enjoyed being tidy, but I am almost scared to mess it up again, and the rest of the house certainly looks like no show home to me! Nothing can when you have 2 cats moulting fur EVERYWHERE! I don’t know how they do it – surely the amount that comes off them, and I also brush them most days, and get huge handfuls of fur from that, by rights they should be looking a tad threadbare by now, but no, they luxuriate in their furriness. I sometimes think that they both deliberately come in when I have hoovered, and they will their fur to shed. I shouldn’t have to hoover wooden floors, but it’s the most allergen reducing thing I can do to get rid of the amount of fur they rid themselves of every minute of the day. Tried sweeping, but it just seems to move things round. I almost wish my eyesight wasn’t as good as it is, cos I’d be less bothered by it then. Anyone who fancies making felt out of pet fur, give me a shout – I’d be able to set up up no problem.
Anyway, my beloved furry rascals are both bouncing around, (shedding all the while) and getting quite excited about spring (sap rising as my Dad used to say), and in particular Betty the other day sitting in a Conifer tree about 12 feet off the ground trying to stalk some pigeons (she didn’t get one, bu they both flew off, minus some feathers – more shedding!) and looking at all the pretty blossom trees I see on my way in to work, got me thinking about some of the other, spring like embroidery patterns I have. So I thought I would post these. Haven’t posted a pattern in a while, so I hope that you enjoy them – they are from a 1932 edition of Woman, and cost me the princely sum of 10p. Best bargain ever eh? Sorry for the wonky scans. I am missing some of the designs from the original sheet though, and at some point I will re- draw them and share them with you then. If you make anything from them please let me know as I’d love to see it. I always fancied putting them around the hem of a swirly summer skirt, and if I ever get the time I may just do that. Enjoy! x

6 Responses to “Pretty spring flowers and birdies”

  1. gon 25 Apr 2008 at 2:34 am

    I’m a messy crafter too & I hate taking closeup photos of my embroidery because there is always so much cat hair caught up in the stitches!

  2. acorn and willon 28 Apr 2008 at 9:07 am

    I hate to say it but I’m quite a tidy crafter – strangely because in the rest of my life I’m really not! Love the embroidery images, but I have never figured out how to get them onto fabric to sew. Baby steps I guess! Jennifer

  3. Cathyon 28 Apr 2008 at 8:41 pm

    I love the Blue Tits and Apple Blossom image. I wish I had the patience to stitch it, but maybe I’ll add it to my to do list and persevere! Btw, how do you get it onto the fabric?
    I am a really messy worker, but love to then tidy it all up again afterwards!
    Cathy XX

  4. twiggypeastickson 28 Apr 2008 at 9:42 pm

    I’m REALLY messy, I blame this on not having a dedicated crafting space – I’ve had to make way for Twiglets Thomas the Tank Engine collection!!! – so I tend to spread my bits and bobs all over the house, but you know what they say (well I do) empty desk, empty mind – lol. That’s my way of justifying my untidy ways. Lovely embroidery transfers.

  5. Lucy Bloomon 28 Apr 2008 at 10:28 pm

    That blue tits pattern is so lovely, I haven’t done any embroidery for many years, but that pattern just might inspire me to start again – thanks!
    Lucy x

  6. Kathleen from Yesteryear Embroiderieson 29 Apr 2008 at 3:28 am

    I just love the embroidery patterns and what a great idea for putting them on the end of a skirt! They would be pretty for pillow linens or a cheery bath towel, maybe? Blessings, Kathleen

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